Friday, 22 June 2012

Wandering Treviso

Friday, June 22nd - Rachel was the first one up today - showered and ready to go by the time Julia and I got out of bed.  She and I went out in search of the morning's supply of milk, fruit, brioches, and some spremuta d'arancia (fresh orange juice) for Julia who wasn't feeling well. It was Rachel's idea - interesting because Julia doesn't really like fresh orange juice, but Rachel does, and we didn't know how to say "to go" so we were served it to drink at the counter, and what else could we do?  After eating, the girls and I headed out (once again in the exact wrong time of day while everything is closed) to explore.  We walked in a totally different direction today - towards the university - which is only about 5 minutes away if you know where you are going, 20 if you don't.  We took the 20-minute route.  Here are some shots we took along the way.  Note that Julia and I have started the matching color dressing of last summer's trip once again!  

We stopped in a little cafe near the university to have some limonata and play a few hands of gin rummy.  We are continuing on our totals from last year's trip and Julia is way in the lead, especially after today's rounds.  When Jim misses the card games, he is given the average of the two lowest scores - someone he seems to make up for it when he is in the game.  The biggest adventure of the day though was our first load of laundry.  For some reason I thought we had a washer/dryer though I should have known that didn't sound reasonable.  We in fact only have a very small washer and we have to hang our clothes to dry!  My guess is that is going to dry very quickly.  Have I mentioned how very HOT is here?!?  We knew it was going to be hot but apparently we are experiencing super hot even for one is happy about it.  
When Jim gets home from work later today we are heading out on our first road trip.  Seems strange to take a vacation from this vacation but we are driving out to Lake Como. Maybe meeting George, who knows?  We'll drive half way tonight so that we can get spend more time there tomorrow and Sunday.


  1. Hi Liz! Thank you so much for sending me the link... I enjoy reading about your Italian adventures. Cheers!
    - Bernardetta

  2. You totally look like an Italian woman hanging her laundry out to dry!
    Please give George a big hug for me, if you see him.
    Are you going to cross the border into Switzerland?
    xo, Natasha

  3. Hi Liz! It's so funny to read your blog about your adventure in Italy. The dryer machine is actually an "unknown" appliance in most of the Italian homes, still now. Having one is a luxury and it actually takes away the pleasure of chatting with your neighbor while hanging your laundry. As in the movies! But careful about the pigeons....
